Maybe a front door isn't THAT interesting, but still I think it deserves it's own mini-picture-post considering how far it's come! Jarrod had to first remove a large garage door meant for RV's to drive through. We bought the front door at an outlet-type place, so while we got a great deal, the doors were unstained blanks that had to be sanded and stained and the door knob had to be installed. In addition, since this pole barn was originally a garage/shop, the floor is not even. The corner where the front door is dives downward in two directions. So making the doors look level, as well as open/shut well was a challenge (I'm told).
The RV door on the right is where the front door is now!
Also, since a huge RV door came out of this space, we had to replace some sheet metal siding. Jarrod has used the scraps that have come off the building where we've put in windows to puzzle it in. It's not perfect, but it's pretty good for free and for re-using scraps. Some day, we might re-side, but not a priority now.
Someday a patio out here instead of gravel. Also, a stoop/awning/covering over the door is in the plan. |
And the lovely door handle that just went in this weekend.